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This is a new page so we can get information out that needs MEPC input and ACTION!



Edgewater Park Renovations

Edgewater Park is a small City of Everett park located on Mukilteo Blvd. at Shore Avenue, just east of the City of Mukilteo.  Everett is proposing to redo the park in 2 phases.  Phase 1 includes construction of a new shared use sport court that will include striping for 2 pickleball courts, as well as basketball and tennis.  (The current park includes a tennis court, but no pickleball lines.)    


Phase II park renovations will include many features that support pickleball players and family members.  These include a basketball half court separate from the tennis/pickleball courts (to allow basketball use if the shared court is in use by tennis or pickleball players), a water fountain, benches, new play equipment, a walking path around the park, picnic tables and benches, restored open play lawn area, enhanced landscaping/tree canopy, improved parking, etc.  Many of these features will improve ADA accessibility in the park. 


The Phase 1 sport court will start in Spring 2025.  The park (minus the sport court) will be used as a construction staging area for reconstructing the Edgewater Bridge.  That project will close Mukilteo Blvd for a year.  The Phase 2 park improvements will not be constructed until after the bridge is completed.  The City is applying for grant funding for the Phase 2 improvements, and has requested letters of support.


Please submit a letter to the City no later than July 3, 2024

  • to thank them for including lining of 2 pickleball courts on the shared use sport court, and

  • to support grant funding for the Phase 2 renovations.


See the sample letter.  We encourage you to personalizing your letter.

Sample letter  


Letters can be emailed to Katherine Phillips at


For more information see:  

© 2024 Mukilteo Everett Pickleball Club

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